Friday, February 17, 2012

MindView concept map for Late-Preterm Newborns

This mindmap is an overview of the problems that we have been discussing regarding the LPT newborn.  Notice the inter-relationships between poor feeding and 3 other problems and the long term consequences that are common to more than one problem.

Developing a mindmap such as this is an excellent method for students to participate in their learning from numerous perspectives.  They are the researcher, the author, designer and writer (Asthana, n.d.).

Download a free trial of MindView, and try this out.  Select a topic in Obstetrics that we have covered that relates to the early delivery of newborns in this LPT category.  See how many factors you can relate and what the interrelationships between those factors are.  Use your new knowledge acquired so far in this course, do some research and be creative.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy, I've been looking forward to seeing your mind map, based on your class posts. It's a super visual tool, and looks very professional, too. Very nice job. Barbara
